The future of web development is mobile web design.

Many social networks, video sharing platforms and even search engines have reported that the number of people accessing their sites using mobile browsers or apps have already surpassed the number of desktop or laptop users. In months to come and a year or two from now, a huge majority of internet users will be relying on mobile browsing to search for anything online, to use social networks and would also check out websites on mobile devices like the smart phone and the tablet.

With responsive web design, a website is configured to be able to resize itself in all aspects to perfectly fit into the display of the device.

With the future of web poised to be completely transformed, responsive web design has become imperative and is no longer an optional or additional attribute of a website.

Responsive web design, which is also referred to simply as RWD, is the future of web development. It is a concept that adopts a process of developing a mobile web design for every website, social network or any webpage. The primary attribute of responsive web design is to enable a website or webpage to adapt to the browsing medium and the display of the device. When TFTs and LCDs replaced the conventional monitors or desktops, almost every website in the world had problems with its layout. Even today, most websites do not spread across the entire display of widescreen TFT and LCDs. Likewise websites cannot naturally fit into mobile screens or mobile browsers.

With responsive web design, a website is configured to be able to resize itself in all aspects to perfectly fit into the display of the device. Whether it is a smart phone with a 4.2 inches screen or a tablet with 10.7 inches display, whether it is a mobile browser or an app connecting to a website, responsive web design will make websites easily viewable, readable, navigable and usable.

There will be a time, very soon, when more than 95% of internet activity will originate from mobile devices and if a company doesn’t endorse and engage responsive web design then this entire mobile market will remain unreachable.

Examples of Responsive websites